How to Do a Yoga Crow Pose (Bakasana)

By Joe Rivera, eHow Contributing Writer


Do a Yoga Crow Pose (Bakasana)

The practice of Yoga is a great way to challenge yourself both physically and mentally. It enhances muscular strength and endurance, expands lung capacity, increases flexibility, balance, mental focus and can give you an overall sense of well being. Of the hundreds of Yoga poses (Asanas), Crow pose (Bakasana) is a pose that focuses on forearm, wrist, shoulder and abdominal strength while challenging your balance, concentration and even courage. How does it challenge courage? Well, the pose involves balancing your entire body solely on your hands. The danger here is that if you lose your balance, you fall face first to the floor. For some people, this can be a bit scary. The good news is, while it may look very “Cirque Du Soleil”, it is not that difficult nor does it have to be that scary! Here’s how to pull it off.


Things You’ll Need: • Comfortable loose fitting gym attire. • Yoga mat • Foam Yoga block

1. Step 1

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and externally rotated. Then bend your knees until you can reach the floor with your palms.
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2. Step 2

Put your palms on the floor in front of you about shoulder distance apart let your knees rest on the back of your arms(triceps)

3. Step 3

Lean forward on your hands by elevating the heels and pushing off the balls of the feet slowly. This will prepare you for the lift off.

4. Step 4

When almost all of the weight is on your hands start to lift the feet off the ground. Once both feet are off and all the weight is on your hands and arms you are in there!

Tips & Warnings

• When you lean forward to get into “Crow” keep your sight line in front of you rather than looking down. • Engage your abdominal wall (think pulling your navel into your spine) while elevating the hips slightly. • Once you are able to balance in the pose give extending your arms as much as you can a try. • If the fear of falling face first is too much try putting a foam Yoga block down in front of you and space it so that your forehead can rest on it while attempting to lift your feet of the ground. It’s a good way to get a feel for the pose. • Don’t forget to breathe! • If you feel any pain while doing this pose stop. You can always wait until you have the supervision of a qualified instructor who may be able to give you adjustments. If the pain is serious contact your physician.