How to Execute a Front Kick

By Joe Rivera, eHow Contributing Writer

Front kick

Of the many possible kicks one can utilize in combat, the basic front kick is perhaps the easiest to execute effectively. It is a kick that can be used to fend off an attack, throw an opponent off balance, set up a wide variety of other striking techniques or used as a knock out strike.

It should be done in a very direct and straightforward fashion and if done correctly has the potential to be quite powerful. Since the shortest distance between two points is a straight line this kick should reach it’s mark quickly. All you need to know in order to perform one properly and safely are a few basic things.


Things You’ll Need:

• Loose fitting gym attire

• Heavy bag

• Strong partner

• Kicking shield

1. Step 1

Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart.

2. Step 2

Take your right foot back about one and a half to two feet, keeping your knees soft (slightly bent), your hips square and standing on the ball of your right foot.

3. Step 3

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Elevate your right knee up towards your hips and aim it at a specific target(this is called the chamber position of the kick).

4. Step 4

Once you have the target in sight, start to drive the ball of your foot towards that target in a pushing motion. Think leg press at your local gym.

5. Step 5

Make contact with the target and proceed to thrust through it for another six to eight inches.

6. Step 6

Retract the right foot from the target and return to the chamber position.

7. Step 7

Put the right foot back down and return to the stance you were in at step 2.

Tips & Warnings

• Drive all of your body weight in the direction of the kick.

• Only extend your leg about 90-95 percent.

• This kick can be executed with either the lead leg or the back leg.

• Having a heavy target like a heavy bag as a tool will give you a greater gauge of how powerful your kick can be.

• Avoid leaning back as you throw the kick because you can lose your balance and it diminishes power.

• Avoid extending your leg completely because it will hyperextend the knee joint, leading to injury.